Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Distarctions of Cell Phone Use While Operating Motor Vehicles

Shannon Hudak Distractions of Cell Phone Use While Operating a Motor Vehicle Using cell phones while driving are not only dangerous but deadly. We have many distractions while driving, let alone the use of cell phones as well. In this day and age cell phones are used for a variety of things such as text-messaging, internet usage, watching television, e-mailing, faxes, games, and much more. Driving is a privilege, not a right. Many Americans take the technology we have today for granted. Once issued a drivers license it can be revoked for not obeying the laws and this is not the case with cell phone usage while operating motor vehicles. The thing we need to remember is that we all need to be responsible drivers to ensure not only our†¦show more content†¦We need to take a stand on this because so many lives are at stake when driving. Could you imagine getting a phone call that your child, mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, grandparent, niece, nephew, cousin, or any other family member, or friend had been hit by a driver while they were text ing? Most of us would say â€Å"Oh that will never happen to me† but, when it does, it makes you sit back and think. Anything can happen at any given moment in this life. What would you do if it was you driving and hit your own family member, or friend? It would be devastating. Most of us don’t think of situations that could occur and turn into a tragedy such as this. I have to give a lot of credit to The University of Utah and there research studies in effort to stop this widespread issue of cell phone use while operating a motor vehicle. The University of Utah has conducted many studies to raise the awareness on this epidemic. They have also developed a method to keep drivers from being distracted by cell phones. This method is called Key2SafeDriving. It installs without any tools in seconds. It is something you would have to put money into, but it is well worth it to keep your child or any other relative safe, as well as the other people on the road. It is $99.95 for each device including software for one cell phone. For each additional cell phone there is a $29.95 fee for software. They do offer a thirty-day money back guarantee. This device will alert

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